Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sodium Chloride

So for Mothers Day my sisters and I got my mom a set of salt and pepper shakers which might seem like an odd gift. However, you have to understand that for years our can for sugar in the pantry doesn't say "SUGAR". It says "C6H12O6." So when we found a salt shaker that says Na Cl we couldn't resist. 

So the only night my sister had mom make her a egg sandwich for dinner. This was normal until mom put it on her plate and asked, "Do you want some sodium chloride with your aborted ovum?" We all had to pause and laugh before we could finally eat. I don't know about everyone else but I'm pretty sure you'd only hear that sentence at my house. 

And so that is my Quote of the Day. 


So there is this german word called schadenfreude, which basically means getting pleasure from others misfortunes. This explains parts of my family very well. I mean, it sounds rude but its really funny when someone trips UP the stairs. You just have to have the humor in life.

So for the past two days I've been weeding in the yard, getting it ready for a garden. I plant tomatoes and peppers every year so I can make salsa in the fall. Unfortunately, the dirt is really good so weeds go crazy in the months that I don't take care of it. It took me several hours to finally clear it. On the first day, it was actually rather chilly, it was cloudy and I had to have a sweatshirt on the entire time. This was no big deal and actually kind nice. However on the second day the sun was out, it was a bit warmer and I was in a tank top. Now, of course, it was still cool so the thought never occurred to me to put on sunscreen. Big mistake.

I can usual feel it when I start to burn because my skin is very sensitive. I didn't feel a thing. I didn't even notice once I went inside and went about the house work or when playing Assassins Creed with my boyfriend. It wasn't until the end of the day when I scratched my shoulder (which hurt like hell) that I looked at my back in a mirror. My shoulders, neck, arms and my ears where almost glowing they were so red. I found this very amusing and took it as a sign that summer was finally here. But once I actually saw how bad it was it actually started to hurt.

Going up to my mom in the other room I proudly said, "Mom, look at my sunburn!"

A little bit horrified she said, "Holy SHIT! You are totally fried!" (That was about as much sympathy as I got at this point.) After a moment she paused, smiled and giggled. "Its going to be really funny when you peel."
